terça-feira, 30 de junho de 2009
Crie logos de forma correta!
Não sei se vocês já reparam, por mais toscas que sejam nossas animações, sempre procuramos ter um grande cuidado com itens que muitas vezes vemos que outros não levam em consideração, sendo logos e tipografia uma dessas coisas.
O logotipo é a base e cara do seu trabalho e/ou empresa, independente do setor, por isso criar algo correto e atraente é crucial, e um artigo publicado pela Smashing Magazine mostra o 10 erros mais comuns e como evita-los, então confira e evite ter problemas futuros (clique aqui).
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Olá Galera! Este é o blog dos irmãos Ricardo e Rodrigo Piologo que junto com Rogério Vilela, são os criadores do site Mundo Canibal (www.mundocanibal.com.br).
Esperamos que gostem e não deixem de nos visitar!!!
14 comentários:
Muito bom...e uma das principais formas de criar uma logo é começar chamando pelo nomecorreto: logoTIPO e não logomarca...
Great....Thank you for sharing this, this will help me avoid mistakes making websites...
This is the very informative oneway for web developers....
This is the best way of creating a logo is to begin calling the nomecorreto: logo and no logo..........
I read your article fully. This is very informative article. I really enjoyed this. I hope this will be very helpful to me.
Nice blog thanks for share thank for share nice post that aware the mistakes of logo design.
Awesome! Thanks for sharing such great way of making website.This is the very informative one way for web developers....
I love this post. This article is very informative. I learned a lot about IT. Thanks and This is completely amazing! I love your ideas. Keep up the good work.
You described each and every details. thank you so much Superb, really loved this templates…..!!!
Awesome ! This is very good , I think being a truck driver is the hardest job ever.Thank you
Wow! This will help me avoid mistakes making websites.This is the very informative one way for web developers. Thank you for giving me such a great information.
Great post, helpful information while making website or post. Thanks for sharing it.
Awesome! Thanks for sharing such great way of making website.This is the very informative one way for web developers....
Great work done.It is really good to visit your website and learn informative.I like the way you have mixture your words and thoughts to make it really easy to understand.Thanks for sharing the article with us.
Hello there!This is the very informative one way for web developers. I love your blog. Thanks for sharing such a nice post.
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